Prolonged labor can not only be draining, but is also dangerous for the condition of the mother and fetus in the womb. This stalled labor can cause fatigue, and increase the risk of the baby experiencing fetal distress, injury, and infection. Normal delivery can take around 12-18 hours for a first-time mother and can be several hours faster for women who have given birth more than once. Prolonged labor is defined as labor that lasts more than 20 hours for first-time mothers. As for mothers who have given birth more than once, labor is called too long if it lasts for more than 14 hours. Causes of the Birth Process Becomes Longer There are several things that might cause the labor process to be longer, namely: Cervical thinning or opening of the birth canal which takes place slowly. The contractions that appear are not strong enough. The birth canal is too small for the baby to pass, or the baby is too big for the birth canal. The baby's position is abnormal, for example br...
Not all husbands can immediately be ready to behave and assume responsibility as a father when the baby is born. To encourage and help her accept the birth of Little One, your role as a wife is needed to help grow the fatherly nature from within her. Motherhood may easily appear to you after you become pregnant and struggle with labor. However, these two things your husband has not gone through, so that it might make his fatherly nature not appear as easy as you. How To Help Your Husband Come Up With Fatherhood Parenting is not just your job. Your husband as a father also needs to be involved in this matter. If only you take care of everything, your husband will probably feel not involved in caring for Little. This can make it difficult for his fatherhood to emerge. To help unleash the nature of his fatherhood, try the following methods: 1. Ask your husband for help Remember that you have limits and may still be exhausted from having to undergo recovery after giving birth. So,...